Friday Matches, Fewer Foreigners, Other Serie A Changes

by Robert on July 6, 2010 · 5 comments

Dur­ing the World Cup, news has been leak­ing out about changes to the Lega Cal­cio Serie A, the newly inde­pen­dent league for­merly know as sim­ply Serie A.  Most of the announce­ments were over­shad­owed by the World Cup, but below are the changes that FIGC has announced over the past few weeks.

A few weeks back the new logo for Lega Cal­cio Serie A was unveiled.  As you can see, the new logo is slick and more mod­ern, but Amer­i­can sports fans may see a resem­blance to the National Hockey League’s Car­olina Hur­ri­canes logo.  Hon­estly, I have no feel­ings either way but the com­ment sec­tion is open for you if you do.

The league last week announced its out­line of the sched­ule for the 2010–2011 sea­son, and the biggest change is the addi­tion of more Fri­day matches.  The league will now have one match on Fri­day evenings to allow for more rest between Euro­pean com­pe­ti­tions.  There will be one Fri­day time slot, two Sat­ur­day, and three Sunday.

The new sea­son will begin on August 28/29 (less than two months away!) and con­clude on May 22.  There will be a win­ter break from Decem­ber 19 through Jan­u­ary 6, and the four rounds of mid­week fix­tures will take place Novem­ber 10, Jan­u­ary 6, Feb­ru­ary 2, and March 2.

The most recent announce­ment, how­ever, may be the most con­tro­ver­sial.  FIGC announced over the week­end that it has reduced the num­ber of non-European play­ers per­mit­ted on each ros­ter from two to one.  The goal, accord­ing to FIGC, is to force clubs to develop more Ital­ian tal­ent in the wake of the Azzurri’s dis­as­trous World Cup.  Serie A voted against the change, and has been vocal in its dis­ap­proval of the new rule.  There are ways around the rule of course — sweep for­eign play­ers into the EU fold due to lin­eage or res­i­dency, but it seems like a knee jerk reac­tion to a bad World Cup.

Share your thoughts on any of the changes in the com­ments sec­tion below or via Twit­ter @roberthayjr.

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5 comments… read them below or add one

1 Rami S. July 6, 2010 at 7:40 pm

Main reason behind change to Friday I believe is due to TV and commercial aspects. There might be excuses such as distributing the matches over a weekend, allowing for rest from European ties and more, but everyone knows revenue is what dictates the actions of the FIGC (Just like with FIFA and its decisions).

Having Friday night matches mean more coverage on TV, more ads, additional revenue and the ability to show more games live.


2 Niccolo July 7, 2010 at 5:27 am

Yep, the Serie A is trying to make itself more appealing to international audiences, friday matches, and even a snazzy new logo! I’m liking what’s happening.


3 DeadDoug July 13, 2010 at 1:35 pm

Only 1 non-EU player???? Horrible decision.

Top talent in the world will continue to head to Spain and England, where there are no idiotic, xenophobic restrictions


4 Robert July 14, 2010 at 8:20 pm

I wouldn’t characterize the restrictions as xenophobic, they are simply an overreaction to a poor World Cup. And you are being too lenient on England, I wouldn’t be surprised if they adopted something similar in the near future, with all the moaning of the poor player development for the national team.


5 Rami S. July 15, 2010 at 1:12 am

Usually Spain & Italy have been the destination for players from South America.

Most Brazilians and Argentine stars are in Serie A or La Liga.


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