Bayern Munich

Wayne Rooney Belongs At Inter Milan

by Robert on October 19, 2010 · 10 comments

The soc­cer press has been buzzing about the lat­est Wayne Rooney press con­fer­ences, state­ments, and rumors.  The usual sus­pects have been named as pos­si­ble des­ti­na­tions: the ATMs that are Man­ches­ter City and Real Madrid, EPL rival Chelsea, and Bun­desliga giant Bay­ern Munich.  But where Wayne Rooney really belongs is in Italy, and specif­i­cally Inter Milan. Here […]


Italian teams stumble in Europe

by Niccolo Conte on September 17, 2010 · 4 comments

The Cham­pi­ons League and the Europa League are now pri­or­i­ties, now that the Bun­desliga has sur­passed the Serie A, Ital­ian teams need to pull their weight in Euro­pean com­pe­ti­tion. The first match­day of the group stages of the Cham­pi­ons League and the Europa League didn’t play out too well for the Ital­ian clubs involved. Out […]


UEFA Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis">Inter Sweeps UEFA Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis

by Robert on August 27, 2010 · 2 comments

Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis">Tweet

Today’s UEFA Cham­pi­ons League draw was one that should prove that Serie A is still one of the pre­mier leagues in the world, and that Inter is arguably the world’s best club.  The Ner­az­zurri swept the UEFA indi­vid­ual awards: Goal­keeper of the Year (Julio Cesar), Defender of the Year (Maicon), Mid­fielder of the Year (Wesley […]


Inter coach Jose Mour­inho has indi­cated on more than one occa­sion his desire to take charge of an elite club in Spain, a hint most likely directed towards Real Madrid since he has quite a tense rela­tion­ship with Barcelona. Only the two giants of Span­ish foot­ball can afford Mourinho’s wage demands and can meet his […]


Champions League: Bayern Munich vs Fiorentina

by Rami Soufi on February 10, 2010 · 0 comments

The Euro­pean tie between Bay­ern Munich and Fiorentina ought to be an enter­tain­ing affair given the attack­ing ten­den­cies of both clubs dur­ing var­i­ous stretches of the sea­son. The Bavar­i­ans have been scor­ing for fun in the Bun­desliga total­ing 21 goals in just 6 matches. Prior to this stun­ning six match run, Bay­ern scored four past Juventus […]