Wesley Sneijder

No Italians in Ballon D’Or 2010 Nominees

by Niccolo Conte on October 27, 2010 · 5 comments

Fifa released its list of the 23 nom­i­nees for the Bal­lon D’Or of 2010. Along with the 23 play­ers, there are also 10 managers/coaches com­pet­ing for the World Coaches of the Year award. The win­ners of both will be announced by FIFA on Decem­ber 6th. Some­thing which will stand out right away when you look at […]


Wayne Rooney Belongs At Inter Milan

by Robert on October 19, 2010 · 10 comments

The soc­cer press has been buzzing about the lat­est Wayne Rooney press con­fer­ences, state­ments, and rumors.  The usual sus­pects have been named as pos­si­ble des­ti­na­tions: the ATMs that are Man­ches­ter City and Real Madrid, EPL rival Chelsea, and Bun­desliga giant Bay­ern Munich.  But where Wayne Rooney really belongs is in Italy, and specif­i­cally Inter Milan. Here […]


UEFA Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis">Inter Sweeps UEFA Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis

by Robert on August 27, 2010 · 2 comments

Awards, Plus Champions League Draw Analysis">Tweet

Today’s UEFA Cham­pi­ons League draw was one that should prove that Serie A is still one of the pre­mier leagues in the world, and that Inter is arguably the world’s best club.  The Ner­az­zurri swept the UEFA indi­vid­ual awards: Goal­keeper of the Year (Julio Cesar), Defender of the Year (Maicon), Mid­fielder of the Year (Wesley […]


What more could you ask for from the home club? Inter Milan con­vinc­ingly beat what many have called the world’s great­est soc­cer team yes­ter­day with a 3–1 vic­tory over Barcelona.  The match was con­tro­ver­sial from the start, as Barcelona endured a 10 hour bus ride to Milan because the Euro­pean air­space was still mostly closed. Despite what […]


Serie A’s lone rep­re­sen­ta­tive in the Cham­pi­ons League advanced to the semi-finals with a 2–0 aggre­gate win over a feisty CSKA Moscow club.  Their reward: fac­ing prob­a­bly the best team in the world, a Barcelona club that oblit­er­ated Arse­nal yes­ter­day at Camp Nou. Inter did what it needed to do to advance in the tour­na­ment — play […]

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Lessons Learned from Giornata 21

by Robert on January 27, 2010 · 2 comments

A nice quiet week­end in Serie A.  For­tu­nately, there were no matches of inter­est and no con­tro­versy that came out of the matches.  Noth­ing unusual or inter­est­ing at all. Or not.  In a week­end high­lighted by the top two squads fac­ing off, injuries to star play­ers, and an odd mask cel­e­bra­tion, let’s take a moment to […]


Sneijder’s Ankle Not Too Bad

by Sam Hiser on September 10, 2009 · 0 comments

Wednes­day, Sept. 9, 2009 — Nether­lands 1: 0 Scot­land today at Ham­p­den Park (here’s the minute-by-minute report). As George Bur­ley said, Scot­land deserved at least some­thing from the match at home in which they threat­ened the wood­work seri­ally. The dif­fi­cult loss ends Scotland’s chance of qual­i­fy­ing for South Africa’s pageant next sum­mer. I saw Wesley […]