Fiorentina’s Juan Vargas was the hero for the Peruvian national team as he set up Johan Fano’s equalizer in the last touch of the game on Tuesday against Argentina. Vargas wreaked havoc all over the left side of the pitch against a poor Argentine side and would put the fate of his team on his shoulders on that inspired run to the edge of the box.
The Italian press hailed Vargas’ performance as “splendid” and courageous as he battled all evening long with the Argentine defense. Meanwhile the Peruvian considered this point valuable as they are gaining the confidence to play on despite the losses of very important players due to suspension.
The Peruvian media in the meantime was overboard in their happiness, calling José Del Solar’s players “real men” and that these are the players “that makes us proud to be Peruvians”.
“This was for all of Peru,” said Vargas immediately after the match.
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